Thursday, September 6, 2012

A homeless person can be a director on the BTMA board?

Were you aware that a director need not even be a member of the corporation? That is right, according to VII of the Articles of Incorporation (BTMA)   
You do not have to own a house or live in the area to be a director. The guy who has a ranch out in western Oklahoma or the woman who is homeless.

Someone from Burning Tree South getting on the BTMA board does not represent the Burning Tree South homeowners.They represent themselves. 

They can go outside of their "family" (i.e. subdivision. It is their own free will and at their own peril, but they do not represent the homeowners of Burning Tree South subdivision!

Burning Tree Master Association is NOT an HOA. It is simply a corporation. Check out what they filed with the Secretary of State. 

Take away point: Anyone has the right to support any organization they want, including the BTMA, but it does not mean they are speaking for the Burning Tree South homeowners. If you want to be involved with the BTMA it is your right. They do NOT replace the directors of Burning Tree Area #4.


  1. You are right: Article V of the Article of Incorporation says that the homeowner is not the member--it is the area HOAs that are.

  2. Maybe we should get a property management company so these "brother in law" deals stop....and all this nonsense with a Annie Thomas pool manager getting in by saying she is going to run the pool as a volunteer (yes, it is in the minutes! and it was not voted on that she should be put on any payroll ) and then SHE HIRES HER GRANDSON AND JULIE LINDQUISTS DAUGHTER!!!!!! And who decided how much ANNIE AND her grandson and Julies daughter would be paid with OUR money. Let's throw out the whole bunch out!

  3. BurningTreeTulsa said: "You do not have to own a house or live in the area to be a director. The guy who has a ranch out in western Oklahoma or the woman who is homeless."

    Chances are the homeless would not be as rude and ruthless as many have experienced from the BTMA board. Who would want to be on a board and have people associate you with THAT?
