Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Burning Tree Master Association Accomplishments for 2011-2012

The BTMA Board of directors list the following as highlights of what they accomplished in 2011-2012.  (Pretty impressive, huh?)

  •  put down mulch in the flower garden Claudia Nelson built last year.
  •  got three lawn mowing bids.
  • wasted money on reviews, which are not required. Audits are required by their by-laws (And which the court can enforce § 1014.1. Interpretation and Enforcement of the Certificate of Incorporation and Bylaws).They cannot make it retroactive to avoid audits. However they are making claims that by some miracle the only document that survived in the attic at the pool house was one that gave them permission to amend the by-law. Click to read about their big plan

    Click to see how your assessment is being spent  

    Be sure to read the Exposed link above.


    1. ROFLMAO! Put down mulch and got three lawn mowing bids. That is classic.

      By the way where is the 2011 audit? We are in 2012.

    2. Look at the exposed link above for their accomplishments.
