Handing over your proxy means the BTMA can continue to avoid giving an account to anyone for where money they collect is spent.
Why do they
want to use your proxy to ratify an amendment? The Burning Tree Master Association wants to use your proxy to secure your vote for ratification of an amendment that they claim was voted on in the 1980s. This would forever do away with talk about audits by having a simple "review" which will keep you and everyone else in the dark about how they are blowing money
on whatever they want (and when they want) as they have for years--swim suits, a $14,000.00 pool slide, parties you know nothing about, etc. Click on that link to see more.
Claim made that a document was found
Wendy Berezkowski, a past president claims that a document was found recently in the pool’s attic that dates back to 1981 (31 years ago) that changed the by-laws requirement for an audit to be performed every year to a financial review every year.
Failure to produce document
Wendy never produced the document last year, yet we are expected to believe that by some miracle the only surviving document that withstood the elements for over 30 years in an attic* was this very document containing this exact amendment they need!! (*Every other important document that we have asked for, just
happened to be in that same attic and "was destroyed" due to the
elements of an attic, extreme heat and cold and being so close to the
pool created mold....or so we have been told. Having a piece of paper
survive 31 years in the elements of an attic, extreme heat and cold is
unlikely. Also keep in mind there are ways of dating the actual
document. Modern printers were not available back then. The state of the
art was dot matrix printers or type writers. Ink would fade, blues
become lighter, black becomes brown, edges would lose their sharpness.
and most importantly NO ONE KNEW ABOUT THIS until Eddie McGovern and
others pressed the Master to see the financial records.)
Requirement for audit is ignored by the Burning Tree Master Association
The Burning Tree Master Association board has always completely ignored the section of the by-laws which states they must have an audit. They have never been forced to be accountable to anyone. Now they are trying to cover themselves by saying they will just ratifiy an amendment although they do not have documentation to prove this amendment was ever
voted on.
was the vote? Where is the documentation? What was a letter mailed out to
homeowners telling them of the vote, the sign in sheets and proxies, the
minutes showing who all was there to vote, along with all other supporting
documents. No minutes, no voting documentation, no proxies, nothing.
Never a motion or second, no meeting minutes, and NO VOTE!
75% of a quorum is required to get a by-laws amendment passed.
Article XIV of
BTMA by-laws states: "These bylaws may be amended, at a regular or special meeting of the members, by a vote of a seventy-five percent (75%) majority of a quorum of members present in person or by proxy."
There was never a vote of a seventy-five percent (75%) majority of a quorum of members present in person or by proxy.
If it was never voted on why would they try to ratify it?Burning Tree Master Association board wants your proxy to ratify something that was never even voted on so that people will quit bugging them about having an audit to show where money has gone.
Burning Tree Master Association board members need to remember that even if they take a legitimate vote it cannot be retroactive. The BTMA board is still accountable for audits for every year up the time a vote is taken!
Anyone can take the BTMA to court to force the BTMA to follow their by-laws. Oklahoma statutes provide in § 1014.1. Interpretation and Enforcement of the
Certificate of Incorporation and Bylaws: Any shareholder, member or director may bring an
action to interpret, apply or enforce the provisions of the certificate
of incorporation or the bylaws of a domestic corporation in
the district court.
It isn't wise to hand them your proxy! None of us will never know where our money has gone if they get your proxy to vote it as they wish.
We hope Wendy Berezowski shows up for the meeting Monday night, along with Paula Hendrix and Dennis Phillips as many of us have lots of questions.